Embrace The Void

"Oh no, Not again" - Bowl of Petunias

EV - 235 Grand Unified Theory of Bullshit with Tom and Cecil

My guest this week are Tom and Cecil of the Cognitive Dissonance podcast (@dissonance_pod). We discuss their new book, The Grand Unified Theory of Bullshit, and how to apply their GUT check approach to reduce our risk of absorbing misinformation.

The Grand Unified Theory of Bullshit: https://www.amazon.com/Grand-Unified-Theory-Bullshit/dp/B09TDW7RSR

CogDis podcast: https://dissonancepod.com/

Convocation: Frankfurt

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

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Recent Appearances: I was on the Ultraviolet podcast talking about moral luck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ31sIBgWKE

Upcoming Appearances: Come hang out and discuss nonbeliever community organizing and resisting the immoral nonbeliever stereotype at the American Atheist convention in Atlanta https://convention.atheists.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw3IqSBhCoARIsAMBkTb3oEaLKLMj2gj2JSlFJVfZajGeS1yFbXB2LdTWIB7yYFcTJs1RQDJoaAj1BEALw_wcB

Next week: Reengaging LGBTQ nonbelievers with Callie Wright